Chris Garrett Chris Garrett


I'm Chris Garrett, a founder and creative technologist working at the intersection of design and engineering.

Work with me

I help startups and established brands develop new digital products through my studio, Hyperlaunch, which specialises in early-stage product development and rapid prototyping.

Get on Base

I get that your team has issues, so fix them and ship the app. I don’t see why this should be so hard, and I don’t think we should accept any excuses for not getting this done in a short period of time.

This email by Mark Zuckerberg perfectly captures why Hyperlaunch’s mantra is “Just build it.”

It’s so on point and smacks of so many experiences with funded startups. When you’re pre-product, getting to market is all that matters; every month wasted is existential. I’ve seen the same thing that Mark describes happen multiple times—when pre-market teams have money in the bank and get caught up in over-engineering and shiny object syndrome. That’s when momentum evaporates.

Get on Base

Success grows from shipping early and iterating fast. Startups need players that “get on base,” to quote Moneyball. Forget glamour, focus on gains. Launch something solid, get it out there, and build from that foundation. Gather feedback, and keep moving.